Ali Jafarbeglou



Aspiring Software Developer | Lifelong Learner

Eager to innovate, I merge curiosity with technology to create solutions that resonate.


About me

Greetings! With a robust background in hardware operations and technology development, I have cultivated a diverse skill set across high-tech industries over the past six years. While my professional journey has been rooted in hardware, my fervent enthusiasm lies in software development—a field where I've been zealously self-educating and honing my abilities. As a self-taught full-stack and backend developer, I thrive on learning new technologies and enhancing my expertise in data structures and algorithms. Beyond my professional pursuits, I am an avid problem solver and enjoy turning complex challenges into seamless solutions.


In Addition

My background encompasses hardware and software operations, adeptly handling scripting and analysis tools. I'm versatile in my learning approach, capable of picking up new skills rapidly to adapt to emerging challenges. Whether contributing as an individual or collaborating within a team, my goal remains the same: to deliver excellence.



Programming Languages:
Proficient in Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, basic C#, and familiar with various scripting languages.

Web Development:
Adept with frameworks such as Flask and Express-Node.js, with a solid grounding in OOP. Docker

Database Management:
Skilled in using SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, and adept at data manipulation.

Analysis and Data Visualization:
Pandas, CSV, Matplotlib.

Deployment & Version Control:
Experienced in Git, GitHub, DevOps practices, and deployment platforms like Heroku.

Additional Technologies:
Knowledgeable in automated testing (PyTest & Postman), web scraping (Selenium & Beautiful Soup), GUI development (Tkinter), and I possess a foundational understanding of machine learning concepts and AI modeling.



Recent Promotion at Boeing
Elevated to the next grade with a significant salary increase within my first year, recognizing my contributions to the Boeing Test & Evaluation as a Lab Ops. (2023)

Intel Recognition
Honored with a recognition award by Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger for being pivotal to growth and identified as critical talent in engineering (2021).

Rapid Promotions
Elevated twice within a span of six months at Intel for exemplary performance in process development and operations. (Q3 2021, Q1 2022)

Top Employee Accolade
Rewarded for drastically reducing cycle times, significantly enhancing efficiency by over 360% at Avnet. (2018, 2019)

Peer and Leadership Recognition
Repeatedly acknowledged by colleagues and leadership for my commitment to excellence and support across functions.


Building Bridges Between Front and Back


Full-Stack Social media app

NexCrow, a social networking platform that allows users to share their thoughts, memories, and interact with a vibrant community. Inspired by the dynamics of social connectivity, NexCrow provides a space for individuals to express themselves, connect with others, and explore a world of content.

Key features:
• User authentication and profiles.
• Posting text and images.
• Liking posts and comments.
• Commenting on posts.
• Following and unfollowing users.
• Post Impressions & Engagement Analysis.

• Home Page: View posts from followed users, and create new posts.
• Explore Page: View all public posts from all users.
• Profile Page: View your posts and edit your user profile.
• Post Page: Comment on post.
• Analysis: Detailed reports of how users interact with your content.
• Search: Search for other users & posts.
• Setting: Edit your information and change profile and header images.
• Register Page: Create a new account.
• Login Page: Login into your account.
• Alert Page: Alerts and messages.
• About Page: About the NexCrow.

Technologies Used:
• Backend: Python Flask, SQLAlchemy, WTForms
• Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
• Database: SQLite/PostgreSQL
• Deployment: Heroku


Full-Stack Content Management System

NexBlog is a dynamic content management system designed for avid bloggers and readers alike. It provides a personalized blogging space with unique subdomains for each user (, fostering a community of content creators. With a focus on responsive design and user-friendly interfaces, NexBlog stands out as a modern platform that simplifies content creation and enhances reader engagement. Security and performance are at the forefront, powered by the robust infrastructure of Cloudflare and Heroku.

Key features:
  • Personalized Subdomains: Users receive a dedicated subdomain ( to host their unique blog.
  • Secure & Reliable: Fully secured with SSL HTTPS, ensuring data integrity and encryption.
  • Responsive Design: A seamless experience across all devices (Mobile and Desktop).
  • Advanced Content Creation: Equipped with CKEditor for rich text editing, allowing bloggers to craft their posts with ease.
  • Subject Categorization: Organize posts by subjects to streamline content discovery and navigation.
  • Interactive Engagement: Readers can interact with content through comments, fostering a community dialogue.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Bloggers have access to an analytics dashboard for insights into post performance and user engagement.
  • Customizable: Users can personalize their blog with customizable header pictures, and profile images.
  • Built-in SEO: Optimized for search engines to help users reach a wider audience.
  • Cloud-Based Hosting: Leveraging the power of Heroku for cloud hosting, ensuring scalability and uptime.

  • Technologies Used:

    • Backend:• Python, Flask, Jinja2.

    • Databases: SQLAlchemy/SQLite - PostgreSQL.

    • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax.

    • Editor and Tools: CKeditor, Pillow.

    • Version Control: Git, GitHub.

    • Deployment & Hosting: Heroku, Cloudflare.

    • Additional Libraries and Frameworks: WTForms, Flask-WTF, Flask-Login, Flask-Migrate, Flask-CKeditor.

    Mini App

    Stock Data Visualization

    Real-Time Stock Visualization

    This application provides a platform for real-time visualization and analysis of stock market data. Users can enter a stock symbol to view various charts and statistics, offering insights into stock performance and market trends.


    Real-Time Data Visualization: Generates multiple charts to visualize stock data, including closing prices, trading volume, and more.

    Interactive User Interface: Users can input any stock symbol to retrieve and visualize relevant data.

    Statistical Analysis: Displays key statistics like mean, max, min, and standard deviation for the selected stock.

    Technologies Used:

    Backend: Python, Flask

    • Data Fetching: Requests library to retrieve data from the Alpha Vantage API.

    • Data Processing: Pandas for data manipulation and analysis.

    • Data Visualization: Matplotlib for generating various stock data charts.


    • HTML/CSS: For structuring and styling the web interface.

    • JavaScript/jQuery: For handling AJAX requests and dynamically updating the web page.


    • Alpha Vantage for stock market data.


    Market Hub

    E-Commerce Project

    This project simulates an e-commerce platforms features such as product listing and a checkout process with Stripe integration for payment.

    AI Chatbot

    Chat with an intelligent bot using OpenAI ChatGPT API.

    Use voice or text to prompt and listen to the bot’s response.

    ChatroomX (Socket IO)

    Private chatrooms without sharing your information

    Key features:
    • chatrooms with a room code
    • No sign up or login required
    • Built with Python Flask, Socket IO, JavaScript


    Where Play Meets Programming

    Score: 0

    Classic Snake

    Classic Snake Gameplay with High Score Recording

    This game is developed with Python and Turtle library as a GUI game app. It’s object-oriented and class-based and also records the high score.

    Pong Arcade

    Pong Arcade Gameplay for Two Players

    This game is developed with Python and Turtle library as a GUI game app. It’s object-oriented and class-based and allows two players to play at the same time.

    Crossing Game

    Crossing Gameplay with Multiple Levels

    This game is developed with Python and Turtle library as a GUI game app. It’s object-oriented and class-based and has multiple levels that get progressively harder.


    The Spine of Software Systems

    Cafe & Wifi

    FRESTful API

    This API allows you to interact with a database of local cafes in your area. You can use the following HTTP methods to perform different operations:

    Key features:

    • GET: Retrieve information about one or more cafes based on various criteria.

    • POST: Add a new cafe to the database with the required information.

    • PATCH: Update information about an existing cafe in the database by providing its id and the fields you want to change.

    • DELETE: Delete an existing cafe from the database by providing its id.

    This API is built using Python and Flask framework with SQLalchemy as the ORM tool. It returns data in json format and follows the RESTful principles. It is easy to use and provides a convenient way to access and manage local cafes in your area.

    Cookie Game Bot

    Achieve the Highest Score with Automated Gameplay

    This bot is written in Python and uses Selenium webdriver and DateTime. It automatically plays the Cookie game on the website to achieve the highest score.
    • Automated gameplay
    • High score achievement

    ISS Location Notifier

    Get Notified When the ISS is Above You

    This console app is written in Python and uses a custom API from the International Space Station to detect the latitude and longitude of the ISS location. It sends an automated email using SMTPLIB to notify you when the ISS is above you and it’s night time.


    CVoice Assistant

    "PyVoiceMate" simplifies your daily tasks through seamless voice interactions, all through the power of your voice. Leveraging the SpeechRecognition library for accurate speech recognition and pyttsx3 for natural text-to-speech conversion.

    Movie Data Scraper

    Scrape the Top 100 Best Movies and Generate Random Movies to Watch

    This console app is written in Python and uses BeautifulSoup to scrape the top 100 best movies from the web and store the data into a text file. It also has the ability to generate a random movie to watch.

    Birthday Email Sender

    Automated Emails with Customizable Templates

    This console app is written in Python and uses SMTPLIB, Pandas Library and DateTime to generate and send automated birthday emails with letter templates. You can provide people’s information as a CSV file to automate sending birthday emails on their birthday.

    Breast Cancer Diagnosis AI Model

    Tumor Classification with Over 97% Accuracy

    This AI model is written in Python and uses Tensorflow/Keras and scikit-learn, Pandas, CSV Dataset. It is trained on real data from breast cancer diagnosis and can classify tumors with over 97% accuracy.

    GUI App

    Visual Interfaces, Tangible Interactions


    Timer App for Productivity

    This Pomodoro Timer App is designed to help you stay focused and productive. The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The app is designed to help you implement this technique in your work or study routine.

    Learn French with Flashcards

    Language Learning Flashcards

    The app is flashcard-based, which means you can practice vocabulary by seeing the word and guessing its meaning. Once you say the correct meaning, that word will move from learning to learned. The app has a database for storing vocabulary and can easily change or add other languages as well.

    US States Quiz

    US States Quiz with Interactive Map

    he app has an interactive map of all the US states and a pop-up window that names the state. If you select the right location of that state in the map, you get a score.

    Data Structure & Algorithms

    The Foundations of Efficient Computing

    In this section of my portfolio, I've documented my ongoing learning journey through various algorithmic challenges. It's a space where I share the algorithms I've tackled so far, showcasing my efforts to grasp more complex data structures and to understand the intricacies of computational efficiency, particularly Big O notation. This is a live snapshot of my progress, consistently updated as I continue to grow and improve in this field.

    Arrays & Hashing

    Contains Duplicate

    Valid Anagram

    Two Sum

    Group Anagrams

    Top K Frequent Elements

    Product of Array Except Self

    Encode and Decode Strings

    Longest Consecutive Sequence

    Two Pointers

    Valid Palindrome


    Sliding Window

    Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

    Longest Repeating Character Replacement

    Minimum Window Substring


    Valid Parentheses

    Binary Search

    Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array

    Search In Rotated Sorted Array

    In Progress ...


